Areas of PracticeInsurance
RCD provides comprehensive advice to life and non-life insurance and reinsurance companies, insurance intermediaries, and other operators in this sector domestically and internationally
A team of renowned professionals offer advisory services in relation to resolving claims through mediation, arbitration and the courts of justice, with extensive experience in handling major, complex cases.
Our team’s experience includes:
We provide comprehensive advice on any regulatory insurance issues you may encounter during your everyday and strategic operations, restructuring processes, M&A, portfolio transfers, international expansion, insurance distribution agreements with partners or through other insurers’ networks. Furthermore, we also cover all aspects of regulatory compliance, including defense services during inspections with the supervisor and other parties. And a special focus on consumer privacy protection. We also provide comprehensive advice on personal data protection regulations, information society services, and e-commerce.
Advice in complex disputes, especially between insurance companies and insured parties, as well as in the defence of insured parties against third party claims. We advise on all kinds of contentious extrajudicial and judicial proceedings, especially in matters of professional liability, electrical damage, product liability, and life insurance, as well as in claims with high technical complexity and in international claims.
Tax advice to insurers
analyzing the impact of existing risks in international insurance programs and in how VAT is applied on intra-group service provision. Creating and managing captives in risk coverage. Transfer pricing regulation in reinsurance transactions, investment planning abroad, insurance taxation, product taxation, and tax representation for insurers operating under the Freedom to Provide Services (FPS) or through branches, among others.
Developing business, policies, and claims in any class of insurance
Drafting and updating life insurance policies and all types of life insurance contracts (unit-linked business, profit sharing, etc.) and non-life insurance policies and contracts (including, but not limited to, professional liability insurance, personal injury or property damage insurance, cyber insurance, international programs) through individual and group policies for large risks and retail businesses. Managing claims until they are completely settled amicably or through judicial resolution, defending clients throughout Spain.
Drafting treaties and contracts. Providing advice on how to draft and interpret specific clauses (claims control, claims cooperation, follow the fortunes, follow the settlements, as original, etc.).
we provide advice for developing new innovation-based business models for insurance at any stage of the insurance value chain, which includes managing data for designing, producing, and selling insurance or managing claims. The firm also offers legal support for setting up investment vehicles, during the authorization process for new operators and for their business, while taking into account the specific features of an entrepreneurship model, within the insurance industry.
New distribution models
We provide legal advice for devising distribution models tailored to the legal context of the Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD), and our services also cover developing agreements, assisting to devise multi-channel strategies, and streamlining sales processes.